Glory Hole is a series of works, which imports the transgressive context of public sexual encounters into the world of art and more precisely the public space of the gallery. Originally a rather sordid device, the glory hole is transformed here into a sleek minimal object. The work was presented for the first time in 2012 as a minimalist object leaning towards the wall (Prometeo Gallery). In 2013 it became a site-specific installation. It split the space of the gallery into two rooms, presenting two different shows (Galerie Alberta Pane), or separated the gallery from an artist studio (as was the case in SIZ Gallery and the studio of the artist Nemanja Cvianović, one of the gallery’s co-founders). In 2014 the work evolved into a “Family Glory Hole” – a wall with three holes placed at different heights, one fit for a child, referring to the fact that the rest of the exhibition was a collaboration of the artist with his father and his son (Sariev Contemporary).
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Glory Hole, 2012
Glory Hole, 2012. MDF painted in white, hole. Installation view, Prometeogallery di Ida Pisani.
Family Glory Hole, 2014. MDF painted in white, holes, wheels, handles. Installation view, Sariev Project Space.
Glory Hole, 2013. Fake wall separating Galerie Alberta Pane into two, hole.
Glory Hole, 2013. Wall separating Siz Gallery and Nemanja Cvijanović Studio, hole.
Glory Hole, 2013. Wall separating Siz Gallery and Nemanja Cvijanović Studio, hole.